Selecting tenants for your property is one of the most crucial decisions that you will make to protect your investment. Count on Pacific Rim's elaborate tenant screening process to help select tenants that are:
Financially stable
Representing a legitimate company
A good fit for the building/property
Selecting outstanding tenants is crucial for investment property owners. Retaining quality tenants is just as important. Some of the benefits we provide for our clients via our tenant retention program are:
Income stability: Increasing or sustaining stable cash flow without the undue pressure of excessive vacancy risk.
Keeping the better tenants in the property: We are a firm believer that good tenants attract good tenants. There are some real costs to relocation, and most tenants would like to avoid those costs. Pacific Rim is proactive with our lease offerings to existing tenants as they near the end of a current lease. Maintaining professional tenant relationships and open communication are an important part of how Pacific Rim keeps tenants in the properties we manage.
Reduce turnover costs: Practically every commercial property turn-over is associated with tenant improvement costs and leasing fees. Keeping the better tenants at the property helps eliminate unnecessary expenses for the property owner, and for the tenant as well (ie, relocation and letterhead costs).